Noticing some of my players only need a few points to get where they need to be ACT wise, I developed a system of online tests that reflect similar questions that are on the ACT. We will start using the "Flashcards" found on the website and learning the English Portion. We then will take the English portion of the "Practice Test" offered by Union Test Prep. We will go through each subject listed Bi-Weekly or as much time as you need. I am blocking out a hour a night to work on the test with some of our student-athletes and times will vary. This is a paid program, as I can almost guarantee results through the mental/educational training I give them, especially in the english/reading departments. I am not promising a perfect score, but for those who are dedicated and willing to learn, we can get you where you need to be eligibility wise. If you do not need my assistance and just want to practice below, feel free by clicking the button!
Some of you only need a few points to obtain Division One Eligibility, besides the questions themselves, there are certain strategies that can be used to refrain from losing points on the SAT/ACT as well. I also have some very smart educators on board and ready to assist!
First Week - $75 Dollar Donation Second Week - $50 Dollar Donation Third Week - $50 Dollar Donation Fourth Week - $25 Dollar Donation Fifth Week - Free (We Shouldn't need this week) We should be taking the test as many times as possible during this period of studying.